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Ahsoka Tano: The Grey Jedi

Ahsoka Tano first appeared in Star Wars the Clone Wars as Anakin Skywalker's padawan before ultimately leaving the order and becoming a Grey Jedi.

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After her Journey through Star Wars The Clone Wars, fan favorite Ahsoka Tano learned hard truths about the Jedi Order she called family. These discoveries led Ahsoka down a different path as she left the Order and became a true Force Wielder known as a Grey Jedi.

Who is Ahsoka Tano? 

Ahsoka Tano is a female Togruta who was developed by George Lucas and Dave Filoni to demonstrate how Anakin Skywalker goes from a brash learner to a reserved master. Ahsoka enters the story as a naive 14-year-old fresh out of the academy and is thrust into a war in which she is a commander with soldiers underneath her. From the beginning of her apprenticeship all Ahsoka knows is fighting leaving her questioning what being a jedi truly means and if they are the peacekeepers they proclaim to be. 

Ahsoka ultimately decides to leave the Jedi Order when the council refuses to help her when she is framed with murder in the fifth season finale of Clone Wars. When Order 66 is given in the final season of Clone Wars (available to watch now on Disney+), Ahsoka Tano fakes her death and goes into hiding though she still finds a way to fight back against the Empire as she helps build the Rebellion under the code name "Fulcrum".

What is a Grey Jedi?

Grey Jedi are Force-users who walk the line between the Light and Dark sides of the Force without yielding to either. Grey Jedi are able to utilize Dark techniques like force lightning but are not Sith because they are not corrupted by the darkness the Jedi Order was so afraid of. In fact, Grey Jedi are the solution to bringing balance back to the force as they strive to ensure both sides survive and stop one side from eliminating the other. 

Grey Jedi distanced themselves from the order and acted outside of the Jedi code though it can be argued that they act like what a Jedi should be as they utilize the full spectrum of the Force. By acting outside of the order, Grey Jedi are not restricted by politics and fear of the Dark Side so they can truly become one with the Force. Interestingly enough, Ashoka is not the first Jedi to disagree with the Jedi Council as popular characters like Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker have all spoken up about the council's shortsightedness and the Jedi's failure at being peacekeepers.

 Now while some fans consider Ahsoka Tano a Grey Jedi due to the fact she works outside of the Jedi code, she has yet to display any Dark techniques which could change in Rosario Dawson's show Ahsoka premiering next year on Disney+. Ahsoka is nevertheless an extremely important character in the Star Wars universe for if she proves to be a Grey Jedi then she could provide the one thing which still remains allusive: balance to the Force.